Well, everything WAS going great yesterday until HOT BF wanted a hamburger and we ended up at Johnny Rockets... Yeah, got a cheeseburger and a milkshake. I know some of you are throwing up just thinking about that. I came home and immediately took a couple of laxatives (my gag reflex doesn't allow purging, it sucks). I know, it's gross, but whatever, it gets the job done. I have it in my mind that it allows me to get rid of food faster so it doesn't stay in my body as long sucking up all the fat. I hope that's true, but I'm too lazy to look it up.
So far this morning I ate a peach and now I'm off to run a couple of miles before the heat flares up.
On a fun side note, tomorrow is my last graduate school class EVA. I'll have my master's degree in a few short weeks and I'm hoping it will help me get a job and get out of this apartment so I don't stare at food all day.
New job, same sickness
3 days ago