Well saw some friends from college this weekend that I haven't seen since the weight loss. They were all shocked and complimenting and it felt good. However, they all said I didn't need to lose anymore. Considering every single one of them couldn't have weighed more than 115, I wanted to scream when they said that.
Anyway. Ate a lot this weekend because Hot BF says that I'll remember having good times with my friends more than I'll remember the three pounds I'd gain. True. However, luckily, I also came down with a little stomach bug and I didn't gain a pound. Weeeee!
About to head to the gym for some running. Hoping to get in about 4 miles. My big 10-mile race is this weekend and I'm getting nervous!
P.S. put a little thinspo at the top to get me ready to run. I can't figure out how to add pictures to the bottom of a post. A little frustrating. If you know how, please help!